Recent News + Announcements

May 8, 2023

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Economic Development Week, and National Tourism Week, Williams County announced recipients of grants awarded so far in 2023.

March 24, 2023

More than 200 people attended the Williston Herald's 20 Under 40 gala at the Grand Williston Hotel on Thursday night. In keeping with the theme of honoring remarkable Williston citizens under the age of 40, lots of people in their 20s and 30s attended the event.

March 8, 2023

In 1975 Eckert Youth Homes opened their doors for the first time to boys needing a place to stay in Williston. The original home started as a place where boys could grow and heal in a safe environment. Six years later, Eckert opened a home for girls nearby.

December 14, 2022

Volume 14 | Issue 1 of the Eckert Newsletter is now available.

August 5, 2022

After receiving a Williams County Behavioral Health Grant and opening their clinic doors in June of 2021, the Eckert Outpatient Clinic has been providing substance use and abuse counseling services for youth and spending time outreaching to outlying communities. They celebrated their year of success with a ribbon cutting hosted by the Williston Chamber of Commerce in July.

January 12, 2022

Volume 13 | Issue 1 of the Eckert Newsletter is now available

November 17, 2021

The North Dakota Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division has awarded a second contract to Eckert Youth Homes in Williston to expand a statewide residential addiction treatment program currently serving youth, ages 14 to 18, struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions.

November 17, 2021

Williston’s adolescent residential treatment facility will be able to take in more individuals seeking help.

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